Collaborating for Circular economy

Workshop description:

Participants will initially learn about the importance of knowledge transfer between circular economy stakeholders. In the second part, through practical examples in Slovenia and the EU, they will learn about the forms of knowledge transfer and identify opportunities for their improvement in the future.

Gained competencies:

  • Understanding the reasons behind the importance of knowledge transfer in the circular economy context.
  • Understanding the need and type of Collaboration between actors in the value chain for circular development.
  • Understanding the practical examples from Slovenia and the EU that illustrate different forms of knowledge transfer and collaboration.

Predavateljica: dr. Rannveig Edda Hjaltadottir, Associate Professor in Innovation

Rannveig Edda is an associate professor of innovation at the Center for Industrial Business Development, Nord University Business School, Mo I Rana, Norway, Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. She is also a researcher II at Norland Research Institute in Norway and a member of a research group on sustainable transition. Rannveig’s research focuses on innovation and Circular Economy in businesses and at a regional level. She has published her work in high-impact journals (Journal of Cleaner Production, European Planning Studies) and is a reviewer for leading journals dealing with regional economics. Rannveig has participated as a researcher and WP leader in five international projects and is currently involved in the European-funded international research projects (IPR4SC) focusing on Circular Economy and regional development and the role of IPR in sustainable transformation. Rannveig is also a work-group leader in a six-year regional development project, INDIGO, to build regional innovation and Circular transformation capacity. Besides her doctorate in Business and Economics, Rannveig holds a B.Ed degree in pedagogics and has extensive experience teaching and developing courses at the Bachelor, Master and PhD levels in several European countries.

Izobraževanje bo potekalo: 26. 09. 2024 in traja 4 šolske ure (9:00 – 13:00).

Potekalo bo online preko Zoom v angleškem jeziku

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