Applying advanced digital technologies for circular production in a practical example

The circular economy is a regenerative system that seeks to make the best use of resources, minimise waste and pollution, and maximise economic and social benefits. Lean production principles help us to create such a system. They include perfection in the sense of producing exactly what we really want, in the quantity we want, when we want it. This should be done as much as possible with the help of available digital technologies.

We will look at a practical example where this is particularly important, namely in electricity generation planning.

Content of the training:

  • identifying the needs for setting up circular production
  • identification of data sources
  • system modelling
  • defining key programme modules
  • Choosing digital technologies
  • Application of analytical methods (predictive analytics)
  • system implementation using digital technologies

The training will take place in February and September 2024, and May 2025.

The price is valid for one participant per organisation.

Tel. info: 040 664 773

Event details

Start date:
Subsidised price for micro-businesses:
Subsidised price for SMEs:
Full price for large companies:
Subsidised price for public organisations

Registration for the event