Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA)

The Digital Maturity Assessment provides a simple and comprehensive view of the key areas of digital development:
– Digital readiness;
– Digital workforce;
– Data management and security;
– Interoperability;
– Green digitalisation;
– Digital strategy and investment.

The evaluation is carried out in the form of a simple questionnaire with multiple choice questions, which is conducted with representatives of the company or public organisation in charge of digitisation and education/training of staff. Each assessment takes approximately 45-60 minutes to complete. The assessment is followed by an expert analysis with

The purpose of the DMA is to assess the current state of digital maturity of the organisation, its processes and employees, and to identify digital strengths and weaknesses based on the result. Based on the identified weaknesses, we then work with experts to offer appropriate services and training in areas that are identified as deficient. Throughout the process, we provide companies or public organisations with research, expertise and anonymous treatment, with the main aim of helping them to further their digital competence and development.

The DMA is carried out three times to monitor the benefits you will receive during your participation in the project:
T0 – Inception assessment – this establishes a baseline
T1 – Mid-term assessment – this monitors progress on the digitisation indicators after a one-year period
T2 – End-of-term assessment – this assesses the final digitisation indicators after a two-year period

After registration, we will contact you to arrange a time.

The project is co-funded by the European Union (contract no. 101083351 ) and the Ministry for Digital Transformation. The service received constitutes State aid in accordance with Article 31 of COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty and in accordance with COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2023/1315 of 23 June 2023. The State aid represents 25% of the full price of the service.

Service details

Start date:
Form of participation:
Subsidised price for micro-businesses:
Subsidised price for SMEs:
Full price for large companies:
Subsidised price for public organisations

Signing up for the service